COAA 2003 is Coming

July 2003

The Third International Ocean-Atmosphere Conference of the Chinese-American Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (COAA2003) will be held in the Jingmin Hotel, Beijing, China on July 14-16, 2003, following the IUGG Assembly in Sapporo, Japan. This conference will be jointly organized by the Chinese Meteorological Society (CMS), the Chinese Oceanic Society (COS), the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (also serving as a host), and COAA. The previous two conferences (i.e., COAA1997 and COAA2000) were held in Washington D.C. in October 1997 and Taipei in July 2000.

More detailed information on the location of hotel, conference schedule, registration, field trips, accompanying persons’ program, social events and tour programs as well as the conference agenda will be available on the COAA website by May 2003. If you have not received any announcements from COAA or the overseas Program Co-Chairs (Drs. Da-Lin Zhang and Quanan Zheng), please send your email address to the Co-Chairs.